
NSP WordPress Theme

The Nutritional Sciences Program website is created with a custom child theme based on the School of Public Health website theme established in 2019. This page provides a general overview of NSP customization relevant for content editors.

NSP & CPHN web content is co-managed on a single WordPress site

Our custom theme includes custom content types designed to serve both the Nutritional Sciences Program main website and the Center for Public Health Nutrition website in a central location.

Overview of Custom Content Types

  • People
    • The People post type maintains faculty listings in the Our Faculty section of the NSP website, and the People section of the CPHN website.
    • People posts are categorized to associate an individual in one or both locations.
  • Student Projects
    • The Student Projects post type maintains the Student Projects archive library featured in the navigation menu of the main website.
    • Project posts are categorized by both project type and topic. Topics are periodically reviewed and managed by the SAS team.
  • News
    • The News post type maintains news posts (stories) and news coverage for both the NSP website News & Events section and the CPHN News section.
    • News posts are categorized as a story or news coverage, and tagged to appear in either NSP or CPHN news sections, and can be associated with People posts when appropriate.
  • CPHN Projects
    • The CPHN Projects post type maintains CPHN project summary pages which display under the Our Work section.
  • CPHN Resources
    • The CPHN Resources post type maintains the individual listings found in the CPHN Resources section (i.e. briefs, presentations, reports, trainings, etc.).
    • CPHN Resource post categories define resources by category (i.e. briefs, presentations, reports, training, etc.) and well as topic (i.e. social determinants of health, nutrition policy, food systems, etc.)
    • Categories are set up to be edited or changed over time, as needed.
  • Profiles
    • The Profile post type maintains student and faculty profiles for the NSP website
    • Categories are set up to tag a profile to a type of program (grad or undergrad) and a specific degree program